AR Milf

Posted by: My Milf Lady 33

Oct 15, 2016

My Lady holding some of my long guns. Love the way she holds them and it's nice that she is a great sport to take pictures and let's me post them for you all to enjoy. Take care eveyone.

Recent Comments for AR Milf (86)
  • ... don't like to see guns used as props in conventional nude photo layouts. Not even when the model is My Milf Lady 33 or OHGirl/Raven Swallowz. Not even ; 
  • I approve of firearms when owned and used legally BUT for some reason don't like to see them used as props in nude shoots. Maybe if she were outside in a field or forest " hunting " in the nude it would work, but for some reason I don
  • guns are not sexy ! guns are spooky
  • Another damn stupid gun nut.
  • Exciting nude shots with rifles! Very arousing naked lady! I want her pussy!
  • Those are MAGNUMS! ( Oh, and the guns are pretty big bore, too. ). Being as how I'm a senior, with detached retina, AFIB, and shakey arms; I rely for protection, on my trusty Ithaca 12 gauge with 00 buckshot. Knock before you come thru my front door. Oh, my doggy is a hearder and loves to sink her K-9s in an ankle. Piece on Earth!
  • Wow nice boobs, pussy and perfect ass... I am a photographer erotic naked... Please contact me.. Whatsapp +393883966500, email iscrizionemodelle@, webmaster@, contatti@, contatti@ and webmaster@ or skype-sexy-girl
  • Las armas matan...
  • I would love to mash her ass!!!!
  • Shes just showing her love for Trump. Hey, equal protection under the law... unless Trump wins
  • Looking hot as always stefjevermeulen@
  • HO so we're worried about the bad guys coming really ! give your head a shake ...
  • .....But gun owners will protect you when the bad guys come. Great concept. Great contribution.
  • The only people on earth who would find a pictorial with a woman with guns are americans everyone else would be repulsed, grow up americans you sick fucks
  • I'd like to fuck with u for a couple hours if u like
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